28 februari 2009

OMFG: Een iPhone van 2.5 miljoen dollaren

'Kings Button' heet dit alle financiële sores ontkennende apparaat, gemaakt van 18-karaats goud en ingelegd met 138 diamanten. Het 'ontwerp' is van Peter Aloisson, die natuurlijk het gat in z'n hoofd aanzag voor eentje in de markt.

26 februari 2009

P.I.S.S. was made for dubbing you baby...

Via Sylvia

Perfect Tunng

Henneaux maakte Perfect Tunng. Ons advies: ga er even voor zitten.


Henneaux verhaalt:
Steeds als ik thuis Tunng opzet komen er reacties in de strekking van: 'F**** wat mooi' of, 'heb je meer van dit spul?'. Na lowlands, waar Tunng een fantastisch en intiem optreden gaf (India), beloofde ik een Perfect Tunng te maken. Bij deze.

De band van Sam Genders en Mike Lindsay komt uit Londen en maakt pure 'Folktronica'. Whatever that may be?! Recept: veel gitaren, 2X mannen- en 1X vrouwenstem, turntables, computers, en de meest briljant gevonden percussie geluiden. Waarschuwing: niet draaien als je hond net dood is of als je een rocker wilt blijven en een brokje intieme-muziek niet in je totaal-plaatje past...




Soft on the outside, hard on the inside

23 februari 2009

Evan Roth

Zie zijn 'map': HIER. Of ga naar Wenen, naar zijn eerste expositie in de Advanced Minority Gallery. Hier alvast een greep:

Oatmeal Beatbox from fi5e on Vimeo.

Thanks Mitch.

Want Josh Freese to join your band? Got $75,000?

"Who’s Josh Freese?”

Freese, a native Floridian who came of age in Orange County and currently resides in Long Beach, is a drumming virtuoso who has risen from being a 12-year-old prodigy backing a Top 40 covers band at Disneyland to becoming one of the most sought-after session sticksmen in the biz.

He’s an official member of three bands: the Vandals (since 1989), Devo (since 1995) and, should it ever reconvene, A Perfect Circle (since 2000).

But he has played on more than 250 albums for almost as many artists, and of every stripe: Chris Cornell, Clay Aiken, Rob Zombie, Avril Lavigne, Rhett Miller, Puddle of Mudd, the Offspring, Kelly Clarkson, Good Charlotte, Daughtry, Ween, Gavin Rossdale, Katy Perry.

He was Nine Inch Nails‘ drummer for the past three years. He was (technically) Guns N’ Roses‘ drummer for three fairly inactive years at the end of the ’90s, and he contributed to Chinese Democracy, including co-writing the title track. He provided drums for the two new Replacements tracks on the 2006 compilation Don’t You Know Who I Think I Was? He backed Sting at Live 8.

Now, nine years after his solo debut The Notorious One Man Orgy, he’s adding a sophomore title to his resume. Like its predecessor, Since 1972 once again finds Freese playing virtually everything. Unlike its predecessor, it will come in 11 different incarnations.

Digital downloads are available starting March 24 exclusively at Freese’s site, for $7. The $15 CD/DVD combo arrives in stores April 14.

And then there are all these crazy special editions … some of which are wisely limited to just one very wealthy purchaser … while others are kinda crazily conceived. For $250, in addition to the combo, a T-shirt and a signed drum head and drumsticks, 25 different buyers will get to have lunch with Freese at either PF Chang’s or The Cheesecake Factory.

And there seems to be no limit on how many people can buy a five-minute call.

Here’s the complete rundown:

- Digital download of Since 1972, including 3 videos:

- CD/DVD double-disc set Digital download:

- CD/DVD double-disc set
- T-shirt
- “Thank you” phone call from Josh for buying Since 1972. You can tell him what you like about the record that you purchased, or what you thought sucked. Ask whatever you want, like “Is Maynard really THAT weird?” or “Which one of Sting’s mansions has the comfiest beds?” or “Are Devo really suburban robots that monitor reality or just a bunch of dads from Ohio?” or “Why don’t the Vandals play more stuff off the first record?” It’s your 5 minutes to yack it up. Talk about whatever you want.

$250 (limited edition of 25):
- Signed CD/DVD and digital download
- T-shirt
- Signed drum head and drumsticks
- Go on a lunch date with Josh to PF Changs or The Cheesecake Factory (whatever you’re into)

$500 (limited edition of 15):
- Signed CD/DVD and digital download
- T-shirt
- Signed cymbal and sticks
- Meet Josh in Venice, Calif., and go floating together in a sensory-deprivation tank (to be filmed and posted on YouTube)
- Dinner at Sizzler (get your $8.99 steak and “all you can eat” shrimp on)

$1,000 (limited edition of 10):
- Signed CD/DVD and digital download
- T-shirt
- Signed cymbal, drum head and drumsticks
- Josh washes your car OR does your laundry … or you can wash his car
- Have dinner with Josh aboard the Queen Mary in Long Beach, Calif.
- Get drunk and cut each other’s hair in the parking lot of the Long Beach courthouse (filmed and posted on YouTube, of course)

$2,500 (limited edition of 5)
- Signed CD/DVD and digital download
- Get a private drum lesson with Josh, or for all you non-drummers, have him give you a back and foot massage (couples welcome)
- Pick any 1 member of the Vandals or Devo (subject to availability) to accompany you and Josh to either the Hollywood Wax Museum or the lunch buffet at the Spearmint Rhino
- Signed DW snare drum
- Take 3 items of your choice out of his closet (first come, first serve)
- Change diapers and make bottles with him for an afternoon (after hitting the strip club)

$5,000 (limited edition of 3)
- Signed CD/DVD and digital download
- T-shirt
- Josh writes a song about you and makes it available on iTunes
- Co-direct a video with him for the song about you and throw it up on the YouTubes
- Josh gives you and a friend a private tour of Disneyland
- Get drunk together. If you don’t drink, we can go to my dad’s place and hang out under the “Tuba tree”
- Stone Gossard from Pearl Jam will send you a letter telling you about his favorite song on Since 1972

$10,000 (limited edition of 1)
- Signed CD/DVD and digital download
- T-shirt
- Signed DW snare drum from A Perfect Circle’s 2003 tour
- Josh gives you a private drum lesson OR his and hers foot/back massage (couples welcome, discreet parking)
- Twiggy from Marilyn Manson’s band and Josh take you and a guest to Roscoe’s Chicken ‘n’ Waffles in Long Beach for dinner
- Josh takes you and a guest to Club 33 (the super-duper exclusive and private restaurant at Disneyland located above Pirates of the Caribbean) and then hit a couple rides afterward (preferably the Tiki Room, the Haunted Mansion and Tower of Terror)
- At the end of the day at Disneyland, drive away in Josh’s Volvo station wagon. It’s all yours … take it. Just drop him off on your way home, though, please.

$20,000 (limited edition of 1)
- Signed CD/DVD and digital download
- T-shirt
- A signed drum from the 2008 Nine Inch Nails tour
- Maynard James Keenan, Mark Mothersbaugh from Devo and Josh take you miniature golfing and then drop you off on the side of the freeway (all filmed and posted on YouTube)
- Josh gives you a tour of Long Beach. See his first apartment, the coffee shop on 2nd Street where his buddy paid Dave Grohl $40 to rip up tile just weeks before joining Nirvana. See the old Vandals rehearsal spot, the liquor store he got busted at using a Fake ID when he was 17 (it was Dave from the Vandals’ old ID). Go check out Snoop Dogg’s high school. For an extra 50 bucks see where Tom and Adrian from No Doubt live. For another $25 he’ll show ya where Eric from NOFX and Brooks from Bad Religion get their hair cut.
- Spend the night aboard the Queen Mary and take the “Ghosts and Legends” tour. (Separate rooms … no spooning.)
- Josh writes 2 songs about you and both are made available on iTunes and appear on his next record (you can sing back up on ‘em, clap, play the drums, triangle, whatever)
- Drum lesson OR foot and back massage (once again … couples welcome and discreet parking available)
- Pick any 3 items out of Josh’s closet

$75,000 (limited edition of 1)
- Signed CD/DVD and digital download
- T-shirt
- Go on tour with Josh for a few days
- Have Josh write, record and release a 5-song EP about you and your life story
- Take home any of his drum sets (only one, but you can choose which one)
- Take shrooms and cruise Hollywood in Danny from Tool’s Lamborghini OR play quarters and then hop on the Ouija board for a while
- Josh will join your band for a month … play shows, record, party with groupies, etc.
If you don’t have a band he’ll be your personal assistant for a month (4-day work weeks, 10 am to 4 pm)
- Take a limo down to Tijuana and he’ll show you how it’s done (what that means exactly we can’t legally get into here)
- If you don’t live in Southern California (but are a U.S. resident) he’ll come to you and be your personal assistant/cabana boy for 2 weeks
- Take a flying trapeze lesson with Josh and Robin from NIN, go back to Robins place afterwards and his wife will make you raw lasagna.

Thanks Roh!



Gaat het he-le-maal worden: disposable sunglasses

Meer design van Azumi and David? HIER.

100 dances/songs

BOOMBOX from Ely Kim on Vimeo.

Via Roel

21 februari 2009

19 februari 2009

Perfect Stereo Total

Fabian Sapthu, art director bij They, maakte voor ons Perfect Stereo Total. En dat is wat je noemt een eclectische verzamelaar geworden. Zeer de moeite. Enjoy!

HIER voor Mac.
HIER voor PC.
En onder het art-work de bijsluiter...

Wij kennen de muziek van Stereo Total vooral van onderstaande filmpje (Wir Tanzen in Viereck staat ook op deze Perfect):

Maar er is meer over te weten:

The music of the chanson- electro- nonelectro- garage- rock'n'roll- french-pop- rock-à-billy- disco- international- underground- duo Stereo Total can be described as:

40% Yéyétronic, 20% R'n'R, 10% Punkrock, 3% electronic effects, 4% French 60ies beat, 7% genious dilettantism, 1,5% Cosmonaute, 10% really old synthesizers, 10% 8-bit Amiga-sampling, 10% transistor amplifier, 1% really expansive and advanced instruments, a minimalist production, meaning a home- made- trash- garage- sound crossed with underground, authentic as well as amateurish, ironic as well as effective, pop as well as political.

De tracklist:

17 februari 2009

14 februari 2009


Omdat de nieuwe clip van DJvT, Buma in me zak, YouTube niet mag verlaten, het 'origineel'...van toen MJ nog de eeuwige jeugd had:

Goochelaar ontmaskerd

6 februari 2009

Perfect Shuffle 26

Guuzbourg, Henneaux en Wlbrt maakten deze editie van Perfect Shuffle. Nummer 26. Het begint langzaam een collectie te worden van Turn Up The Bass-proporties. Ok, ok, ok die heeft de 56 gehaald, maar toch...

HIER voor PC


Dali doet Lanvin

Warhol doet TDK

4 februari 2009

For the love of Lego

Meer? HIER.

Good food

[Click to enlarge...your knowledge]


Wij hebben de Rabobank bijzonder hoog zitten, de rots in de beukende branding van de credit crisis, etc, etc. Misschien dat dit filmpje daarom beyond dubbel kromme tenen oplevert.

Via Hans

2 februari 2009


Super Bowl 2009 ads

Ha! Om het lijstje compleet te maken...de Super Bowl commercials van dit jaar. HIER.

Deze bijvoorbeeld:


Thanks Mark

Biggest ant colony ever.

null - Watch more free videos

1 februari 2009

O. My. God. Microsoft Songsmith.

Waarom? Waarom? Waarom? Wie? Wie doet/bedenkt zoiets?

Voordeel van dergelijk tenenkrommende ideeen, is dat de gevolgen weer wel heel leuk zijn. Ruim 300 hits werden er al ver-songsmith-ed. En je hoort hoe de wereld zou klinken als Bill verantwoordelijk was geweest voor alle popmuziek ipv een besturingssysteem. Hier alvast:

Meer? HIER.

Via Niels

Dit krijg je uiteindelijk van alle kruimeltjes die in je toetsenbord vallen...